A web hosting is nothing but it is a type of web service that allows the person or a group of people to make access to their website. The organization that provides access to the people will be called web hosts and that service is called web hosting service. The work of this web host they have owned servers or they have leased servers to provide access to the client. They will also provide the internet facility to their client, because they owned the data centers to provide their internet connection to their worldwide clients. It has some types and that are all given here for you.

The first hosting type is Shared Web Hosting Service and the second one is Reseller Web Hosting also third one is Virtual Dedicated Server and the fourth one is Managed Hosting Service etc. There is a huge type of web hosting and given types are the widely used hosting types. In previous days this web hosting is not a legal process for normal people but it is a legal process for the education and research centers, because these two sectors want the internet as much as anything. So the normal people cannot access the Webhosting sites during late years, click here to know more.
Starting the new web hosting service is an easy task but all you need is to own a computer or laptop and good internet service. In the starting stage, you do not need to pay as much money to the webmasters because they will provide you some offers for first times users to know the infrastructure of their service. The main motive of this is, if the user satisfies with their service then them automatically using their service.
And these are all about what web hosting service is and who provide this service. Now you can see how to add another hosting on a dedicated server. Choosing a good dedicated server is the main thing in web hosting. Nowadays there are huge options are available in this sector. So make sure your dedicated server is good or not good. When you get a new dedicated server then it will provide you an alone server for your use and after getting that server you must check whether it is shared by anyone. Here you can see how to use a dedicated server.
At first, you should configure the process. And select the CPU for your need. Next, you should choose the storage for your need. Now you should add RAM for your server. You can migrate your existing server with your new server and that is your choice. Now you should pay for what you choose. Adding multiple hosting to own dedicated servers is a possible one.

The ways to adding the other hosting are, log in to your hosting panel and click the add on button to choose the domain name. Now fill up the name section with your domain name. Now you should click the path of your domain in your service and this will used to add your domain to the server. And finally, click the add domain and now you will successfully add the second hosting to your server.

Vivan Henderson, a professional photographer born in Texas. Photography is his passion. He was fond of nature in his childhood. So he took his passion as a profession. He is basically nature photographer but also take other type of photo. He completed graduation in computer science from Texas Tech University. He lives in Houston with his wife and two children’s.