Your Expert Guide To CarnoSym Beta-Alanine focuses on the benefits of this amino acid and its possible side effects. In addition to that, you’ll learn about its sources and recommended dosage. Here are a few other things to keep in mind. The main difference between these two amino acids is the amount of beta-alanine they contain. In general, one serving of this amino acid provides around 300 mg of the compound.
Sustained-Release Beta-Alanine

In a recent press release, Natural Alternatives International (NAI) introduced a new sustained-release beta-alanine ingredient called SR CarnoSyn. This product is micro-encapsulated, enabling it to gradually release the amino acid over eight to fourteen hours. As a result, you can take a high dosage without worrying about paresthesia.
The prolonged-release formula of SR CarnoSyn eliminates the problem of paresthesia, a side effect associated with beta-alanine. A single gram of regular CarnoSyn may cause a flush and tingling sensation. While this may be pleasant for hardcore gym rats, it is not so pleasing to women, older consumers, and people seeking general wellness support.
Side effects
In a four-week study, male and female subjects took CarnoSyn beta alanine supplementation. The subjects improved their work capacity, endurance cycling athletes experienced 11.4% increases in peak power output, and highly trained professional rowers decreased their 2000-meter rowing times by 4.3 seconds on average. They also delayed their fatigue thresholds. Overall, the beta alanine supplement was safe and well-tolerated by participants.
There are no known negative side effects of beta-alanine supplementation. In high doses, beta-alanine activates the sensory neurons of the skin, causing transient itching and tingling sensations. The level of paresthesia is based on the individual’s body type and dosage. In healthy individuals, beta-alanine supplementation does not cause any significant side effects.
As an athlete, you’ve probably noticed that a daily dose of beta-alanine can make a huge difference in your performance. Deadlifts, bent rows, pulldowns, and other exercises can leave you feeling drained and fatigued, but a daily dose of CarnoSyn can help you finish your final sets and reps without falling behind. CarnoSyn is known for its ability to enhance muscle strength and endurance, making it a great supplement for your workout.
When looking for a beta-alanine supplement, you want to make sure you’re buying pure, high-quality beta-alanine with no side effects or concerns. Unlike generic products, CarnoSyn(r) beta-alanine comes with a patented formula that ensures purity, potency, and safety. And the best part is that you don’t have to worry about side effects or adverse interactions, thanks to the fact that CarnoSyn beta-alanine is made from only natural sources.

Proper beta-alanine dosing is essential to get the most out of this powerful supplement. Dr. Jim Stoppani, a physician and expert on CarnoSyn(r)-based supplements, reviews basic dosage guidelines to help you optimize your results. For best results, take the supplement every day. Depending on the type of exercise, take it either pre or post-workout.
Beta-alanine is a nonessential amino acid found in meat. It is taken up by muscle fibers where it combines with the amino acid histidine to form the two-amino-acid protein carnosine. Beta-alanine can increase muscle endurance, increase athletic performance, and enhance muscle strength. Its effectiveness is undisputed. And its benefits far outweigh its cons.

Vivan Henderson, a professional photographer born in Texas. Photography is his passion. He was fond of nature in his childhood. So he took his passion as a profession. He is basically nature photographer but also take other type of photo. He completed graduation in computer science from Texas Tech University. He lives in Houston with his wife and two children’s.